Low female board representation in SA is limiting competitiveness A recent study researched almost 22 000 firms globally and found that when women comprise a third of executives, companies are more profitable. Companies that increased the number of women on boards reported significant increases in profitability (about 15%). Who wouldn’t want a more profitable business? Yet, the percentage of senior roles held by women […] Women play a substantial role in growing the economy – Radio 2000 interview.
Women play a very substantial role is growing the economy and the lack in participation of women in South Africa’s economy is manifesting in less innovation, fewer exports and fewer jobs being created.
In this interview on Radio 2000, Seed Academy CEO, Donna Rachelson, sheds some light on the matter, what is needed for the development of women and how women can combine their natural strengths with an understanding of the ‘rules’ of business.
Listen to the full interview here: